Hotline: +84 24 3927 6076

Myanmar Discovery

The trip takes in all the popular destinations of Myanmar in one go. Visit colonial Yangon (Rangoon); followed by exploring the peculiarly balancing Golden Rock, visit the Ancient Kingdom of Bagan, the greatest archaeological treasure of Myanmar with over 4000 pagodas and temples ruins located on the plains Bagan by Ayeyarwaddy river (Irrawaddy). Explore the highlights of Mandalay, the cultural heart of Myanmar. From Mandalay, continue to rural Shan State and beautiful Inle Lake region inhabited by minority peoples. Visit colourful 5-day markets, floating gardens and cultural highlights on the lake and vicinity.
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in touch with our Travel Specialist

+84 24 3927 6076
Destinations: Yangon - Bagan - Mandalay - Inle Lake
Starts in/Finishes in: Yangon/Yangon

• Visit Yangon with the magnificent gold plate and gemstone decorated Swedagon pagoda
• Explore the breathtaking Bagan, a well-deserved top spot on the list of the best places to visit in Myanmar with the chance to see this area by the hot-balloon, offering a truly unique view of this 26-square-mile land of temples
• Get to know Mandalay, the cultural heart of Myanmar with its highlights
• Discover Inle Lake – for an excellent view of the verdant, bucolic side of Myanmar

Duration: 12 days

Travel Style: Classic & Culture , Featured Tours
Suitable: First timers, Culture seekers


Upon arrival, you’ll greet by your guide who will accompany and transfer you to your hotel for check-in and relax.

Overnight stay in Yangon

Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

You’ll be taken downtown and start your tour on Mahanbandola Road where the Immanuel Baptist Church, originally built in 1830, is located. Continue east passing a couple of alleyways crammed with food stalls and markets. Turn right onto Pansodan Street with its many stalls selling second-hand and photocopied books. You’ll pass the High Court Building, the grand Inland Water Transport offices and even grander Myanma Port Authority building until you’ll reach Strand Road. Your next stop will be outside of the majestic Strand Hotel and walk along Strand Road until you’ll see the Customs House and the Law Court, an impressive-looking colonnaded building. Turn north onto boisterous Bank Street and up onto Sule Pagoda Road, where you can consult one of the many fortune tellers who hang out under the trees. Be sure to make a photo stop at Sule Pagoda, downtown’s symbol whose construction dates back to over 2,000 years ago and have a glimpse of Independence Monument and Mahabandoola Garden. After a complete rotation seeing the twice rebuilt City Hall continue west down Mahanbandoola Road through the chaotic Indian and Chinese quarters. Explore the gold shops of Shwe Bontha Street and have a look from outside at the Moseh Yeshua Synagogue on 26th street. You’ll reach Theingyi Zei market, where you can engage in a little pickled-snake hunting. Exit onto Anawratha Road until you reach into the Sri Kali temple, Yangon’s most colourful Hindu temples.

Visit Kyaukhtatgyi Pagoda to see a 70m long reclining Buddha statue around the size of a blue whale. Afterwards, you continue uptown in order to make a quick stop by the Royal Lake located in Kandawgyi Park which is very popular with local residents, especially in the early morning and around sunset. Catch a view of Karaweik Hall, a reproduction of a royal barge and enjoy a spectacular view of the Golden Shwedagon Pagoda. No Myanmar expedition can be considered truly great if it’s lacking a visit to the legendary Shwedagon Pagoda. Ready for an amazing experience? The visual delights present there alone, are worth the trip. The best time to visit Shwedagon Pagoda is at sunset when its gilded stupa is bathed in the fading rays of the sun and takes on a magical glow. Ascend the eastern stairway to find a row of shops at the base of the temple selling various religious items. Here you will find monks robes, alms bowls, offerings, incense and other unique Buddhist objects. As your browse the stalls your guide will explain the use and rituals of Myanmar’s Buddhist people. Then reach the platform which forms the base of the majestic temple. As the sun begins to dip low in the sky, witness the colors transform on the 100-meter chedi which is literally enclosed in over 40 tons of gold leaf. Shwedagon is largely considered to be the most important religious site for the Burmese; most visitors report that the trip is extremely memorable and still etched into their minds.

Overnight stay in Yangon

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

This morning, after breakfast at your hotel, we will take 5-hour journey to the well-known Buddhist pilgrimage site in Mon State – Golden Rock. It is built on the top of a granite boulder covered with gold leaves pasted on by devotees.

En route visit Kyakhat Wine Monastery where many monks live while studying Buddha’s literature. This is a great chance for you to learn more about monastic life of young monks.
When reach the base camp, we travel by local open-air truck to the junction camp and then to Golden Rock or and spend 45 minutes walking to the Golden Rock. If you would love to use sedan chair, you should pay by your own account.

Overnight stay in Kyaikhtiyo
Important Notes for visits to Golden Rock
What to pack
• Sturdy shoes as the way up to Golden Rock is very steep.
• A pullover, light weight jacket and/or scarf as it gets quite cold in the evening.
• Backpack: Leave your main luggage in Yangon and just bring a backpack or small overnight back.

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

Enjoy brekfast at hotel and head back to Yangon. We move to the base camp by open truck, then drive to Yangon. On the way, don’t miss the chance to make a stop at Bago (or Pegu) to explore Shwemawdaw pagoda – the tallest pagoda in Myanmar. It always amazes anyone with its stunning architecture and great scale. Take time to visit Kanbawzathardi palace-a reconstruction of the original Royal palace from the second half of the 16th century and Shwethalyaung- one of the largest Buddha images in Burma; and Kyaik Pun pagoda which is known for its four towering images of the Buddha visible from far away; as well as the town market and a Mon neighborhood where the locals once produced woven textiles
Before reach Yangon, spend some time to visit World War 2 Cemetery and a workshop producing hand-made pots.

Overnight stay in Yangon

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

After breakfast you will be transferred to the airport for your domestic flight to Bagan. Welcome to Bagan, known to be one of the greatest architectural sites in Asia. When Bagan was the centre of Myanmar from the 11th to 13th centuries the monarchs built multitudes of massive stupas and pagodas, scores of which are still present on the shores of the Irrawaddy River. The majesty of Bagan with more than 4000 red brick temples on a plain of the size of Manhattan Island is one of the highlights of a Myanmar holiday that will soothe the eye of every traveler.
Discover the best of Bagan today! Not simply a chance to see the splendid Bagan temples, this excursion also introduces you to the Burmese culture, allows you to see traditional craftsmen at work and takes you up the mighty Irrawaddy River to a decidedly unusual ‘cave’ temple! Your fist port of call is an elevated temple with its panoramic views of the Bagan plains. This viewpoint will give you a taste of the sheer number of temples as well as some of their distinctive styles. From here you will have a look around the Ananda Temple – one of the most exalted of Bagan’s temples. We will ensure that our tour reaches this point before the majority of tourist arrive, enabling you to enjoy the splendor of the temple in relative tranquility. Continue to various other temples dotted around the temple plains to experience a variety of architectural styles in the area as well as the artistic wonder of the 9-14th centuries. Traveling amid the temples you will get a taste of rural Bagan life in this ‘living museum’ setting where farmers and families work amongst the monuments.
Next on the agenda is your chance to learn more about the local culture with a visit to two workshops producing Bagan’s most famous products – lacquer ware and wood crafts. Watch in amazement as the skilled craftsmen use traditional techniques passed down through generations to create beautiful items.
Overnight stay in Bagan

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

After breakfast at your hotel, your guide and driver will pick you up to start your Bagan excursion. It’s off to the vibrant Nyaung Oo Market, where the locals come to trade fresh produce and other goods daily. From here you will have a look around the Old Bagan starting with a visit of the renowned Shwezigon Pagoda, constructed by King Anawrahta in the early 11th century as a religious memorial. Travel over dusty lanes and tree shaded roads past temples and monasteries to a small village. At one of the monasteries you will participate in a special traditional Buddhist ceremony.
From here you will journey on by horse cart for an excursion that passes Thatbyinnyu, the tallest temple in Bagan, gigantic Dhammayangyi Temple noted for its remarkable brickwork. Take pleasure in an extraordinary sunset from the upper terrace of one of the surrounding temples.
Overnight stay in Bagan

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

This morning we take a short flight to Mandalay.
Arrive Mandalay and drive to Amarapura, Myanmar’s penultimate royal capital. Amarapura means “City of Immortality”, though its period as capital was relatively brief. You will start Mahagandayon monastery, home to more than a thousand young monks and renowned as a centre for monastic study and strict religious discipline.
After that we visitMahamuni Pagoda. This pagoda houses one of the country’s most honored Buddha images, completely covered in gold leaves that are every day applied to the statue by male devotees. ThenKyauktawgyi Pagoda, known as the pagoda of the Great Marble Image. Admire the huge Buddha, carved from a single block of marble. It’s said that the colossal marble block took 10,000 men almost two weeks to transport it from the riverside to its current location. Proceed to Kuthodaw Pagoda, frequently dubbed as “The World’s Biggest Book” for its collection of 729 marble slabs inscribed with Buddhist teachings. Then it’s off to the Shwenandaw Monastery, the Golden Monastery which is the only enduring structure from the Royal Palace of the 19th century. This impressive structure is celebrated for its remarkable woodcarvings.
Late afternoon, we move to the legendary U Bein Bridge, which was built in 1782 when Amarapura was the Royal center of attention. It spans 1.2 km across the shallow Taungthaman Lake and is said to be the longest teakwood bridge worldwide. Enjoy this very special atmosphere as the late afternoon sun casts long shadows and illuminates the local people heading home. Sunset in U Bein Bridge.
Overnight stay in Mandalay

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

Head off to Mandalay jetty and embark on a private boat for a relaxed 1 hour journey on the Irrawaddy River to Mingun. Experience the sights and sounds of Mingun, starting with the celebrated MingunPaya, which would have been the world’s largest (if King Bodawpaya hadn’t died before it was finished). The construction of this enormous brick building was halted after a fortune-teller predicted the King’s death upon completion. An earthquake that hit in the 1800’s, split the monument and reduced it to partial rubble – it’s possibly the world’s largest pile of bricks. From the flat top you have a fine view of the HsinbyumePaya, Mingun village and the river. Carry on to the gorgeous alabaster Hsinbyume Pagoda, an unusual stupa with a couple of stories behind it. It’s supposedly a representation of the SulamaniPaya which according to the Buddhist plan of the cosmos, stands atop Mount Meru (the mountain that stands at the centre of the universe). Afterwards hop on over to the Mingun Bell that weighs 90 tons and is claimed to be the world’s largest hung, uncracked bell still capable of ringing. Before returning to Mandalay by boat there’ll be enough time to explore the small neighbourhoods throughout Mingun crafting traditional basketry and mingle with the friendly craftsmen and vendors.
Next, you will across the Irrawaddy River in to Sagaing. With 600 ivory colored pagodas and monasteries, Sagaing Hill is generally seen as the spiritual hub of Myanmar and claims residence to around 3,000 monks and nearly 100 meditation shrines. You’ll visit pagodas such as Swan Oo PonNya Shin, U Min ThoneSae and Shin Pin Nan Gyaing. Continue to Sagaing’s local market, a less visited tourist site. We’ll head over to a small pottery village which is recognized for manufacturing ubiquitous water pots to observe the tradesmen here applying their traditional methods for producing their goods.
Move to Ava which was the standing capital from the 14th through the 18th centuries. Cross the small river by ferry and travel in a traditional horse and carriage to the wooden Bagaya Monastery renowned for its extraordinarily elaborate woodcarvings. Be sure to check out the Nanmyint Watch Tower – also called “the leaning tower of Ava“ – which is what’s left from the remnants of the ancient palace and MahaAungmyeBonzan Monastery.
Overnight stay in Mandalay

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

This morning return to the Mandalay airport for the flight to Heho, in the heart of the Shan State. Upon arrival at the Heho airport, you will proceed to Nyaung Shwe village. Along the way, you will have an opportunity to visit rural workshops that specialize in traditional Shan paper and unique handcrafted umbrellas. Also, be sure to stop in at the teak monastery of Shweyanpyay to witness the intricate wood carving artwork and craftsmanship of the monks there.
Then you will board a private motorboat and begin heading out onto Inle Lake, one of Myanmar’s most spectacular and breathtaking sights. Its calm waters are dotted with floating vegetation and fishing canoes, to which scenic hills provide the perfect backdrop. Along the way you will pass several villages that are built on stilts over the lake, which are inhabited by the local Intha people. Observe the daily activities of the local leg-rowing fishermen and see their ‘floating gardens’, which are built up from strips of water hyacinth, earth and anchored to the bottom of the lake with bamboo poles.
You will also visit Nga Hpe Chaung Monastery, which houses loads of early Shan Buddha Images. In the past this temple was known for its ‘jumping cats’ but these days there are only a few felines roaming around and none are jumping any more. Yet the Buddha images are still worth the visit. Proceed to the Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda, the lake’s main haven, which contains five sacred images of Buddha decorated in gold leaf. There are also many traditional crafts originating on Inle Lake and, should you wish, we can stop for a visit to one making incredible woven items from lotus silk, boat builders (depending on the time of year), a cigar making workshop, blacksmiths or even silver smiths. The day will come to a close with a return trip by boat back to your hotel.
Overnight stay in Inle

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

After breakfast you’ll pay a visit to the lake’s morning market (the market is open every day apart from dark moon and full moon calendar days). The market’s location rotates between the lake’s villages in a 5 day schedule and is also visited daily by the lake’s inhabitants as well as the surrounding natives who also come to sell and trade their wares. A 1-hour boat ride down a small canal will take you to the Pa-Oh village of Indein, positioned on the western shores of Inle Lake.
Take a leisurely stroll around the village before ascending the moss-covered stairway to the top of a hill. Once you’ve arrived at the summit, you will be greeted buy an iconic Buddha image which sits enshrined among hundreds of stupa ruins and overgrown shrubbery. Here, from the peak, you will also be rewarded with mesmerizing views of the placid surroundings. The Indein Pagoda complex is undoubtedly one of the most amazing sites around the shore of the lake and it consists of hundreds of small stupas which are overrun by moss and greenery.
Overnight stay in Inle

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

This morning is your free time until check out hotel and transfer to Heho Airport to take flight back Yangon. Arrive Yangon and transfer to hotel for check-in and relax.
Overnight stay in Yangon

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Hotel
Transportation: Private vehicle

Free until transfer to Yangon International Airport to take your departure flight home. Tour ends.

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Private vehicle


From: US$ per person for a private tour of minimum 4 guests traveling together
Valid till October 31, 2024

Meals: 11 Breakfasts
Transportation: Private vehicle
Accommodation: 11 Nights


  • Accommodation with daily breakfast at selected hotels
  • Private tours and all services as mentioned in the itinerary
  • Private transportation with air-conditioning
  • Local station English-speaking guides
  • Entrance fees for all mentioned sights visited
  • Private boat to visit Mingun and Inle
  • Local ferry boat and Horse cart for Ava visit
  • Open Truck from Base camp to Top of the Hill (shared with local people) in Golden Rock
  • Water and cold towel on sightseeing


  • International flights
  • 04 Domestic flights: Yangon – Bagan, Bagan – Mandalay, Mandalay – Inle, Inle – Yangon: US$ 380 per person
  • Other meals which do not mention in the itinerary
  • Early check-in and late check-out at hotels
  • Personal expenses (such as laundry, telephone, drinks, camera fee, etc.)
  • Tipping for guides and drivers
  • Compulsory personal travel insurance
  • Myanmar Visa fees (
  • Sedan chair Ks.20000 per person in Kyaikhtiyo (Hermit Camp to near the platform of Golden Rock Pagoda)
  • Others not mentioned
  • Bank transfer fee


Best Weather
Good Weather
Average Weather


Are there any restrictions on photography in Vietnam?

Yes. Photography in or near military installations, airports or similar locations is prohibited. Anyone caught doing so will have the film, and possibly the camera or camcorder, confiscated and may be arrested.

Can I change my tour details after confirmation?

Once the official payment has been made, changes in tour details should be requested via email ( or email of the staff processing your booking), and is subject to a surcharge of hotels and restaurants (depending on each case). Possibility of reservation amendments is also subject to service availability of our suppliers (hotels, restaurants and other)

Can I enter Vietnam later than my granted arrival date in visa approval letter?

Yes, you can enter later than the granted arrival date in visa approval letter providing that you exit by granted exit date.

Aweasome Testimonials


2-Week Itinerary Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam

A wonderful, well organized holiday

I was tasked by friends to organize a holiday in the Far East. I was put in touch with Tuan at Absolute Asia Travel and from that time on had the concern and hassle taken off my shoulders. From giving him an idea of what we wanted to see and do he organized our trip to be exactly what we desired. We did make some small changes to the itinerary and these were catered for without any problem.

5 friends from Australia met my wife and I in Bangkok and we flew into Luang Prabang to start our 15 day tour of Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. The hotels booked for us throughout were of high standard with excellent, friendly service. The flights, the mini-bus trips, the boat rides, were always organized and there on time.

The guides we had were all very knowlegable, with good English and were pleasant and always ready to put themselves out to suit our wishes.
We visited Hanoi, Halong Bay (a 2 day trip), Sa Pa(a short trek through the hills), Saigon (incl. Cu Chi tunnels), Mekong Delta and Siam Reap (the Angkor complex and Tonie Sap lake).

We parted back in Bangkok with all of us raving about the holiday.



November 2, 2016

Excellent service from start to finish

Excellent service from start to finish! I booked a 3D/2N tour from Hanoi to PuLuong and everything went very well: smooth on-time transfers, nice hotel, good guide constantly taking care of travelers. On top of it I had online support always available to help me with information and adjustments. Highly recommended!

Mr Claudio Cerasoli


March 1, 2019

BEST part of our Vietnam Travel Experience

From the moment I wrote an inquiry email to the person I dealt with till the last moment when we stepped off the boat, our experience with Absolute Asia Travel was excellent. The customer service was top notch, the food was perfect, the activities suited for our family of six, and the cleanliness and accommodations were comfortable. Our guide, had a wonderful sense of humor, incredible patience and a diligence that paid off when we tried to find a location that my father in law had visited back in the 1960’s. We will definitely choose Absolute Asia Travel again in the near future and you should too.



January 17, 2018

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We made the right decision – everyone is professional friendly and helpful. The prices are amazing and the value is extraordinary.




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